Linkus 2.0 User Guide

HR Module

HR Module - Video

HR Module - Overview

Features in new system

  1. Employee ID auto generation
  2. Global Departments
  3. Maintaining history for employee id
  4. Fetching previous company id from history in case of company change
  5. Maintaining history for DOJ and other required fields
  6. Initiating employee creation from User master
  7. Company specific Employee details/forms
  8. Employees and Employee Directory
  9. Two HR roles

HR Module - Roles Involved

List of Roles

# Role Access rights
1 HR Manager Can create/update employees
2 HR Admin Create/update employees and access to Salary tab

HR Module - Create And View Users

HR Module - Create Employee Navigation

  • The Employee can be searched, and the fields can be edited.
  • The Employee form is common for both India & US, where there are few field applicable for US & India shown & hidden respective to their region.

HR Module - Create Employee US

HR Module - Create Employee INDIA